Blended Learning

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Easy ways to strengthen your CV and Professional Development

In the present Digital and the Global world, there is an urgent need to strengthen our professional skills. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is very important for happy and healthy life. I have shared a part of my research paper on the professional development of teachers. I am sharing full information which I was presented at NELTA Conference. I am sure, it will definitely help a lot to improve yourself.
         I have visited Bangladesh (Dec 2016) and Nepal (Feb 2018) to attend international conferences. You can visit easily these two countries by spending the minimum amount. To attend Bangladesh I have utilized NEHU funds. A teacher is eligible to get financial assistance/support from NEHU once in three years. Please try to utilize that provision. ICSSR is also providing this type of facility for teachers (two times in the whole service) and scholars. 

NELTA - Nepal English Language Teachers' AssociationNepal: NELTA conference will be held in the month of February (every year)
Benefits: One Conference Certificate and publication of your presented paper.
Bangladesh: INSEARCH Conference will be held in the month of December (every year)
INSEARCH - International Network for Integrated Research
Benefits: One Conference Certificate and publication of your presented paper.

          Please visit above links and see the attached file for more information.

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