Blended Learning

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Discovering Your Ph.D. Potential: Writing a Research Proposal

Learning is a continuous process. Lifelong learning is good for an individual and institutional development. 

Today I joined in a new course "Discovering Your Ph.D. Potential: Writing a Research Proposal" through MOOC at University of Leicester, UK
I gone through the syllabus and found that it is very useful for teachers and scholars. Please select the option "join free "to access the course material (don't select the "upgrade"option). 
After going through the course you can upgrade by paying course fee to get certificate of hard copy through post from UK. For your better understanding I am providing the syllabus of the course by week wise (Total 5 Weeks).

I am requesting to all the teachers to encourage scholars to join in this course. First time learners (at MOOC platform) are needed to register first to access the course. It is better to create an account at futurelearn for continuous learning.

Please click the given below link to access the course.

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