Blended Learning

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Problem Solving through Information and Communication Technology under e-Governance

I have solved many problems with the help of ICT. I have suggested many things to the Government of India. You are aware of many things regarding ICT initiations of the Government of India for the sake of the welfare of the public.  I got justice with the help of ICT for 25 years pending problem. I got justice from UGC with the help of ICT. I am requesting the scholars, please use the ICT for the constructive purpose only. Never use it as a tool to take revenge on someone. 

The Government of India (GoI) has initiated many policies and programmes to serve the people of India in a better way. Try to get benefits by utilizing those policies and programmes.   

1. Online RTI

RTI Online:: Home | Submit RTI Request | Submit RTI First Appeal ...

2. Interact with PM

Interact with PM | Prime Minister of India

3. President's Secretariat Helpline

President's Secretariat Helpline

4. Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System


Conclusion: Problems are like washing machines. They twist us, spin us and knock us around. But come out cleaner, brighter & better than before. There is no gain without pain. Go ahead to solve your problem with the help of ICT tools. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Problem Solving


PROBLEM: Any deviation from the standard. 
                      A gap between actual and desired condition. 
                      An unfulfilled customer need. 

PROBLEMS (Types): 1. Standard not achieved.
                                      2. Standard achieved, but a higher standard is now required.
                                      3. Performance to standard varies (not constantly achieved).

There is no person in this world without any problem. There is no development without any problem. Try to solve a problem with innovative thoughts and higher order thinking skills. Problems are stepping stones for success.There are so many tips to solve a problem.

7 Steps to Problem Solving

  1. Definition
  2. Data Collection ( what)
  3. Cause Analysis (why)
  4. Solution Planning + Implementation
  5. Evaluation of Effects
  6. Standardization
  7. Evaluation of Process
Source: Ed Muzio, CEO, GROUP HARMONICS ( 7 Steps problem solving, youtube video).

Toyota's 8 Steps Practical Problem Solving Methodologies
  1. Define the problem
  2. Build a team
  3. Containment action
  4. Determine the root cause
  5. Verify the root cause
  6. Corrective action
  7. Prevention
  8. Congratulate the team
Source: Gemba Academics (


RCA (Root Cause Analysis):

RCA: A process for identifying the underlying causes of a problem (including actual or possible occurrences of the problem), and then planning, testing, implementing, learning from, and revising solution. 

  • Focussed on a process, not individuals.
  • Identify and remove root cause (s) to prevent a problem from reoccurring. 
Steps of Rool Cause Analysis

  1. Organize a well-defined team (if department/programme)
  2. Define the problem
  3. Analyze contributing factors and the root causes.
  4. Test the best solutions/actions items & implement the plan
  5. evaluate the results and process
  6. share the results. 

IDEA Model:

 Identity    (Symptoms/Effects)
 Develop    (Pros & Cons, Weighted Rubric, & SWOT Analysis)
 Executive (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant & Time Bound Gols)
 Assess       (Survey, Tests, Analysis, & Focus Group)

IDEAL Model:

PDSA Cycle  Model: 
Conclusion: Nothing is impossible. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who wait. And the best things come to those who 'Don't Give Up'. Everything is possible with love and hard work. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Tools of Research

In research, the data collection is one of the important steps to do a nice study.
Selection of a right tool at a right time for right purpose through a right person is very important.
There are different types of tools to collect data. They are;
·         Achievement Test
·        Aptitude Test
·        Attitude Scale
·        Checklist
·        Intelligence Test
·        Interest Inventory
·        Inventory
·        Observation
·        Opinionnaire
·        Personality Test
·        Questionnaire
·        Rating Scale
·        Score-card
·        Semantic Differentiate Scale
·        Sociometry
To know more about the various types of tools please see the attached file (pdf).

Easy ways to strengthen your CV and Professional Development

In the present Digital and the Global world, there is an urgent need to strengthen our professional skills. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is very important for happy and healthy life. I have shared a part of my research paper on the professional development of teachers. I am sharing full information which I was presented at NELTA Conference. I am sure, it will definitely help a lot to improve yourself.
         I have visited Bangladesh (Dec 2016) and Nepal (Feb 2018) to attend international conferences. You can visit easily these two countries by spending the minimum amount. To attend Bangladesh I have utilized NEHU funds. A teacher is eligible to get financial assistance/support from NEHU once in three years. Please try to utilize that provision. ICSSR is also providing this type of facility for teachers (two times in the whole service) and scholars. 

NELTA - Nepal English Language Teachers' AssociationNepal: NELTA conference will be held in the month of February (every year)
Benefits: One Conference Certificate and publication of your presented paper.
Bangladesh: INSEARCH Conference will be held in the month of December (every year)
INSEARCH - International Network for Integrated Research
Benefits: One Conference Certificate and publication of your presented paper.

          Please visit above links and see the attached file for more information.

Induction Training Programme for Assistant Professors through Teaching Learning Centers under PMMMNMTT

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has initiated many programmes through innovative centers. Scheme of  Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) is one the best initiation of MHRD to provide quality higher education for all. There are 25 Teaching Learning Centres under this scheme. UGC has identified some of HRDCs as Induction Centres under PMMMNMTT scheme. Please go through the given below links to get complete information about PMMMNMTT. I am also requesting you to see the recent notification of Tezpur University regarding induction training programme for young and recently recruited assistant professors at college and university levels.  

1. TLC | Teaching Learning Centre - Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya .

2. pmmmnmtt - IIT Guwahati

3. Teaching Learning Centre - Tezpur University

4. Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management

5. Teaching and Learning Center

Learning Organization and NAAC

There are different ways of learning and styles of learning. Learning is a continuous process. Learning is very important not only for individual development, but also for organizational development. The concept “Learning Organization” was coined through the work and research of Peter Senge and his colleagues. At present we are living in the digital world. Collaborative learning is the best way for individual development and as well as organizational development.  
            Recently I have completed one online course from National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (, New Delhi. I learned many new things.  A learning organization is an organization that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself. This concept was coined through the work and research of Peter Senge and his colleagues. There are multiple definitions of a learning organization and their typologies in the literature. Peter Senge stated in an interview that a learning organization is a group of people working together collectively to enhance their capacities to create results they really care about. Senge popularized the concept of the learning organization through his book The Fifth Discipline. In the book, he proposed the following five characteristics of a learning organization:
1.      Personal Mastery
2.      Mental Models
3.      Shared Vision
4.      Team Learning
5.      System’s Thinking
            The individual has a prominent in any organization. National Assessment and Accreditation (NAAC) is an autonomous body under UGC to assess and accredit institutions of Higher Education in the country. It is our duty to know about 7 Criteria and 34 Key Indicators of NAAC to get the best rank through our collaborative work. Please go through the given below links and attached file to understand an individual role in a learning organization.

Citing and Referencing

Teachers and Scholars including students are doing research continuously. In the digital world, many things are available at free of cost to enhance knowledge and skills. I have completed one MOOC course on “Developing Your Research Project” ( from the University of Southampton, UK. I am just sharing a part of the learning material of the present course to understand nicely about citing and referencing. Taking information or/from others without referring their name/s is a sin. Watch the video of Plagiarism through the link given at the end. Go through the attached files for more information.

Citing and Referencing 

Citation/Reference Generators

3. Scribbr (MLA)

Manual Entry

4. Word (MS-Office)

Source: UCSD

To understand Citing and Referencing nicely please visit

Online Tools for Reference
4. EndNote (          Commercial Tool

To understand Plagiarism please visit the video by clicking the given below link


Review of Related Literature

 I am reading carefully the content of Research Writing Course through MOOC at University of Wollongong, Australia. It is very helpful for students, scholars, and teachers. I have found some important information regarding Review of Literature. There are 14 types of reviews. Please go through the given below link to get some more information along with the attached file.