Higher Education
In order to bridge the industry academia gap – NSDC has developed a unique model to integrate skill based trainings into the academic cycle of the Universities. These are based on National Occupational Standards set by industry through sector skill councils. The job roles offered are designed to be progressive in nature – from Level 5 – level 7 on National Skills Qualification framework. The key highlight of the model are as given below:
- Based on state skill gap report – identification of Sectors and job roles
- Development of implementation model and Integration into time table as per university norms
- Training of Trainers by Sector Skill Council
- Curriculum Alignment and Capacity Building workshops
- Student orientation sessions to take an informed choice of sector/job role based on career aspiration
- Standardised Training Delivery by NSDC Training Partners
- Internships and On- the – job Training
- Assessment and certification by Sector Skill Council
- Last Mile Employability and Entrepreneurship Opportunities for the students
NSDC is working with 21 Universities, UGC and AICTE catering to more than 1200 colleges and 400 community colleges across the country. Some of the organization include:
- SavitribaiPhule University of Pune : 663 colleges and 57 autonomous institutions
- University of Delhi: 67 colleges including NCWEB and SOL
- University Grants Commission: 150 community colleges and 127 colleges for B.Voc and Degree programmes
- Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU): 155 learning resource centres and 204 community colleges
- Centurion University: 4 colleges
- Haryana and Punjab Universities
- AICTE : 100 Community Colleges
NSDC is about to sign MoUs with 7 more universities to adopt this model.
NSDC funded training partners affiliated to respective SSCs are involved in imparting trainings to the students under these partnerships. The infrastructure is allocated by the respective colleges of the University. A project management team ensures monitoring and evaluation of ongoing trainings.
Academia recognise the benefits of this model for integration of industry recognized skills with regular studies and post assessment the studentsreceive industry endorsed and recognized certificate.
1 comment:
Nice Post!!
Please Look Here At Sector Skill Council
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